About This Blog

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
"Allah does not accept among the deeds except what is exclusively done for His sake."
I ask Allah سبحانه و تعالى to bless me with sincere and truthful intentions in all of my actions.

We live in a world of darkness, but in my faith I find the Light
About this Blog: First of all, جزاك اللهُ خيرًا for taking the time to read my blog. (جزاك اللهُ خيرًا , means may Allah سبحانه و تعالى reward you with good, and is a way to say "thank you" in Arabic)
Lightuponlight is my personal outlet to express my thoughts on spirituality and aid spiritual growth in any small way that I can.

Who am I?: A Muslimah sister trying to find her own Light from Allah سبحانه و تعالى , and sharing my thoughts and ideas on various matters. On this blog we focus on matters of spiritual growth and motivation. If these things interest you feel free to subscribe so you will receive updates whenever a new article is posted.
Please keep in mind while reading any of my articles that I am simply a sister passionate about learning (independently) and sharing, but I have no training or qualifications in the field of Islamic Studies.

Some of what I write is based on my own opinions so I pray Allah سبحانه و تعالى will guide me in forming such opinions and forgive me for sharing anything that is incorrect.
If you notice anything incorrect I would really appreciate it if you leave a comment on the post and it will be corrected
إن شاء الله

I ask Allah سبحانه و تعالى to make everything I write beneficial and enlightening for myself and others.

If you have an Islamic based or motivational blog, leave a link in the comment's section and I would love to check it out.

May Allah سبحانه و تعالى aid us all in seeking knowledge and increasing our closeness to Him. 


  1. Assalaam Alaykum,

    Insha’Allah, you are doing well.

    How can I get in contact with your content administrator or the person responsible for the content on your blog?

    Outreach Coordinator

    1. Wa Alaikom Assalam wa rahmat Allah,
      Thank you I'm doing very well, alhumdulillah.
      I am the author of the blog, and you are welcome to email me at lillianmaaita@gmail.com
